One may easily forget that a leaf is pretty much a solar panel, a breathing system and a transportation network all in one. It requires no factory, no heavy machinery, no use of toxic chemicals and it makes no noise. It adapts and contributes to its environment, to finally compost itself entirely once it's out of use.
Plus, it follows a sens of aesthetics.
Plus, it follows a sens of aesthetics.

I find the level of technology that resides in a "simple" leaf fascinating and humbling.
Destroying Nature and exploiting it as we do now, is comparable to burning an entire library of undiscovered knowledge...
Destroying Nature and exploiting it as we do now, is comparable to burning an entire library of undiscovered knowledge...

As humans, I believe we should rapidly cut with this old materialistic idea that Nature is just a bunch of raw materials that we can dispose of to build stuff that separates us even more from our ecosystem.